
Jörgensen, Dolly and Virginia Langum, eds., Visions of the North in Premodern Europe (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018)
Dermineur, Elise, Åsa Sjögren Karlsson, and Virginia Langum, eds., Revisiting Gender in European History, 1400-1800 (New York: Routledge: 2018)

Langum, Virginia, Medicine and the Seven Deadly Sins in Late Medieval Literature and Culture (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016)

Carlquist, Jonas and Virginia Langum, eds., Words and Matter: the Virgin Mary in Late Medieval and Early Modern Parish Life, ed. with Jonas Carlquist (Stockholm: Runica et Mediaevalia, 2015) (hard copies may be ordered here, also available for free download here)
special issues

Langum, Virginia and Kristina Sehlin MacNeil, eds. THEME: SOURCES/ TEMA: KÄLLOR, special issue of Kulturella Perspektiv 31 (2022)
Allan, Rachel, Virginia Langum, and Terry Walker, eds. Data-Driven Learning: Tools Approaches, and Next Steps, special issue of Nordic Journal of English Studies 22.1 (2023)
Langum, Virginia and Terry Walker, eds. The Medical Humanities, Literature and Language, special issue of Nordic Journal of English Studies 21.2 (2022)
Allan, Rachel, Terry Walker, and Virginia Langum, "Data-Driven Learning: Tools, Approaches, and Next Steps," Introduction to special issue of Nordic Journal of English Studies 22.1 (2023): 1-12.
Langum, Virginia, "Prairie Madness: Mental Illness and Norwegian Immigration to North America in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries," Literature and Medicine 41.1(2023): 207-229.
Langum, Virginia, “Gaylen, Galien (Galen),” invited contribution to The Chaucer Encyclopedia: volume II, ed. Richard Newhauser, Vincent Gillespie, Jessica Rosenfeld and Katie Walter (NewYork: Wiley, 2023): 783-785
Langum, Virginia, “Arderne, John,” invited contribution to The Chaucer Encyclopedia: Volume I, ed. Richard Newhauser, Vincent Gillespie, Jessica Rosenfeld and Katie Walter (New York: Wiley, 2023): 106-107.
Langum, Virginia, "'A Paradise of Invalids': Medical Tourism and the Climate of Prejudice in Nineteenth-century Madeira," Nordic Journal of English Studies 2.2 (2022): 52-72
Langum, Virginia and Terry Walker, "The Medical Humanities, Literature and Language," Introduction to special issue of Nordic Journal of English Studies 21.2 (2022): 1-7
Langum, Virginia and Kristina Sehlin MacNeil, "Setting Store by Sources," Kulturella Perspektiv 31 (2022): 1-3
Langum, Virginia and Kirk PH Sullivan, “Discipline and Prosper?: A Case Study of Interdisciplinary Environments in English Literature Master’s Level Courses in Sweden,” The Nordic Journal of English Studies, special issue: English Literary Studies in Nordic Higher Education, 20.2(2021): 207-224.
Langum, Virginia, “Consumidos pelo clima: turismo de saúde na Madeira em guias parapessoas inglesas inválidas do século XIX” [“Consumed by the Climate: Health Tourism and English Invalid Guides in 19th Century Madeira”], in Viagem e cosmopolitisimo [Travel and Cosmopolitanism], ed. Ana Isabel Moniz, Joaquim Pinheiro, Leonor Martins Coehlo, Alcina Sousa and Cristina Santos Pinheiro (Ribeirão: Edições Húmus, 2021), pp. 171-187.
Langum, Virginia and Kirk Sullivan, “Academic Writing, Scholarly Identity and the Benefits and Challenges of Multilingualism: Reflections from Norwegian Doctoral Researchers in Teacher Education,” Linguistics and Education, 60 (2020).
Langum, Virginia and Kirk Sullivan, “Academic Writing: Doctoral Writing in Another Language,” Kulturella Perspektiv, special issue: Keywords from the Faculty of Arts Doctoral College, 3 (2020): 65-72
MacNeil, Kristina Sehlin and Virginia Langum, “Interdisciplinarity: Enhancing Critical Thinking in the Arts,” Kulturella Perspektiv, special issue: Keywords from the Faculty of Arts Doctoral College, 3 (2020): 3-6.
Langum, Virginia, “Galen,” The Chaucer Encyclopedia, invited contribution (NewYork: Wiley, forthcoming 2020)
Langum, Virginia, “John Arderne,” The Chaucer Encyclopedia, invited contribution (New York: Wiley, forthcoming 2020)
Langum, Virginia, “Greed in the Canterbury Tales,” invited contribution to Critical Insights: Greed in Literature, ed. Robert Evans (New York: Salem Press, 2019), pp. 3-19
Langum, Virginia, Coppélie Cocq and Kirk Sullivan, “Education is not Sufficient—Exploring Ways to Support and Research Indigenous Writing and Literacies”, in Perspectives on Indigenous Writing and Literacies, ed. Coppélie Cocq and Kirk Sullivan (Leiden: Brill, 2019), pp. 215-9
Langum, Virginia and Jonas Olofsson, “Jag luktar alltså forskar jag” [“I smell therefore I research”] in Ett kalejdoskop av kunskap: Sveriges unga akademi och vetenskap och samhälle [A Kaleidoscope of Knowledge: Sweden’s Young Academy and Society], ed. David Håkansson (Stockholm: Santérus, 2019), pp. 91-101
Langum, Virginia, "Reading and Health," in THULE: Royal Skyttean Society Yearbook (forthcoming, 2018)
Langum, Virginia, "Medicine, Female Mystics and Illness Experience," in Revisiting Gender in European History, 1400-1800 (New York: Routledge, 2018), pp. 100-20
Dermineur, Elise, Åsa Karlsson Sjögren, "Introduction," in Revisiting Gender in European History, 1400-1800 (New York: Routledge, 2018), pp. 1-9
Langum, Virginia, "Cold Characters: Northern Temperament in the Premodern Imginary," in Visions of the North in Premodern Europe, ed. Dolly Jörgensen and Virginia Langum (Turnhout, Brepols), pp. 123-44
Jörgensen, Dolly and Virginia Langum, "Envisioning North from a Premodern Perspective," in Visions of the North in Premodern Europe (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018), pp. 1-9
Langum, Virginia and Kirk Sullivan, "Writing Academic English as a Doctoral Student in Sweden: Narrative Perspectives," Journal of Second Language Writing 35 (2017), pp. 20-25
Langum, Virginia, "Sacred and Secular Wrath in Medieval English Sources," in The Sacred and the Secular in Medieval Healing: Sites, Objects, and Texts, ed. Barbara S. Bowers and Linda Migl Keyser (London: Routledge, 2016), pp. 13-25
Langum, Virginia, "'The Wounded Surgeon': Devotion, Compassion and Metaphor in Medieval England," in Wounds and Wound Repair in Medieval Culture, ed. Larissa Tracy and Kelley Devries (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 269-90
Langum, Virginia, "'As a Kinde Modur Schulde': Mary and Natural Maternity in the Middle Ages," in Words and Matter: the Virgin Mary in Late Medieval and Early Modern Parish Life, ed. Jonas Carlquist and Virginia Langum (Stockholm: Runica et Mediaevalia, 2015), pp. 135-50
Langum, Virginia, "Mary: the Return" (see above), pp. 222-5
Langum, Virginia, "Mary: the Return" (see above), pp. 222-5
Westum, Asbjørg and Virginia Langum, "I manniskan själv, eller utanför? Föreställningar om pestens orsaker i lärda skrifter och folktro," in Kulturella Perspektiv, vol. 1 2015, pp. 11-19
Langum, Virginia, "Discerning Skin: Complexion, Surgery and Language in Medieval Confession," in Reading Skin: Essays in Medieval Literature and Culture, ed. Katie Walter (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), pp. 141-60
Langum, Virginia, "Medicine, Sin and Passion in Gower," in SPELL: Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature 28 (2013), pp. 117-130
Langum, Virginia, "Seeing in Sermons: Word, Light and Aesthetic Experience," On Light: Aspects and Approaches, ed. K. P. Clarke and Sarah Baccianti, (Oxford: Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature, 2013), pp. 121-36
Langum, Virginia, "Foreword," in Cases on Professional Distance Education Degree Programs and Practices: Successes, Challenges and Issues, ed. Kirk Sullivan, Peter E. zigler and Jenny M. Sullivan Hellgren (New York: IGI Global, 2013)
Langum, Virginia, Review Essay, "Medieval Waste Studies," Marginalia (10 Winter 2009)
Langum, Virginia, "Sins of Tongues, Pains of Members: Speech, Division and Sacrament in Late Medieval Exempla," Marginalia 6 (Winter 2007)
Langum, Virginia, "Sins of Tongues, Pains of Members: Speech, Division and Sacrament in Late Medieval Exempla," Marginalia 6 (Winter 2007)
"Thom Mertens, Maria Sherwood-Smith, Michael Mecklenburg and Hans-Jochen Schiewer, eds., "The Last Judgement in Medieval Preaching," Medieval Sermon Studies 58 (2014), pp. 88-89
"Hansen, Regina, "Roman Catholicism in Fantastic Film: Essays on Belief, Spectacle, Ritual and Imagery," The Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 25 (2013), pp. 306-307
"Logan Dale Greene, _The Discourse of Hysteria: the Topoi of Humility, Physicality, and Authority in Women’s Rhetoric," The Medieval Feminist Forum, 48 (2012), pp. 134-136
"Anne Thompson, The Northern Homily Cycle," The Journal of the Early Book Society 12 (2009), p. 316
"Peggy A. Knapp, Chaucerian Aesthetics," Marginalia 9 (Summer 2009)
"Edwin D. Craun, Hands of the Tongue: Essays on Deviant Speech," Marginalia 8
(Winter 2008)
"Edwin D. Craun, Hands of the Tongue: Essays on Deviant Speech," Marginalia 8
(Winter 2008)
working papers and conference proceedings
Langum, Virginia, "The Physiology of Reading Pleasure and the Pleasure of Reading Physiology," UGPS Working Papers, 2017-, Umeå University, 2017
Langum, Virginia, "Cold Characters: Northern Temperament in the Premodern Imaginary," UGSP Working Papers, 2015-
003, Umeå University, 2015
Langum, Virginia, "Metaphor as Medicine in Medieval Surgical Manuals,"UGPS Working Papers, 2014-002, Umeå
University, 2014
Langum, Virginia, "Mystical Bodybuilding," UGPS Working Papers, 2013-005, Umeå University, 2013
Langum, Virginia, "Cold Characters: Northern Temperament in the Premodern Imaginary," UGSP Working Papers, 2015-
003, Umeå University, 2015
Langum, Virginia, "Metaphor as Medicine in Medieval Surgical Manuals,"UGPS Working Papers, 2014-002, Umeå
University, 2014
Langum, Virginia, "Mystical Bodybuilding," UGPS Working Papers, 2013-005, Umeå University, 2013
Proceedings of the Second Faculty of Arts Doctoral College Conference, ed. Kirk Sullivan and Virginia Langum, Umeå University, 2014
invited research talks, keynotes, and conference presentations
Keynote Lecture: "Reading and Repair," Nordic Association of English Studies, Stockholm University (12 May 2022)
"Hospitality and Medical Tourism in the Nineteenth Century," Modern Language Association International Symposium, University of Glasgow (2-4 June 2022)
"'Find a Native Speaker': Impacts of Assumptions and Mislabeling in Peer Reviewer Comments," SIG Biennial Conference, Umeå University (June 2022)
"Between Cure and Delusion: A Chapter from the Early History of Medical Tourism, " History of Medicine within the Medical Humanities Symposium, Lund University (3-4 March 2022)
Invited Talk: "Teaching Interdisciplinary Master's Level Courses", Workshop at Dalarna University (4 May 2021)
Invited Talk: "Supporting Doctoral Researchers and Supervisors in Multilingual Environments," Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (12 May 2020)
"Disability History and Historical Fiction," Experiences of Dis/ability from the Late Middle Ages to the Mid-Twentieth Century, Tampere University, Finland (22 August 2019)
"The Invalid's Guide: Medical Tourism and Cultural Interaction in the 19th Century," Modern Language Association International Symposium, Catholic University of Portugal (23-25 July 2019)
"A Paradise of Invalids: Medical Environmentalism and 19th Century Madeira," Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Edinburgh University (29 May 2019)
"Lived Religion in Renaissance History Debated," Invited Panelist, Renaissance Society of America, Toronto (17-19 March 2019)
"Consuming Climates: Medical Tourism and Cultural Interaction in 19th Century Madeira and Beyond," Voyage and Cosmopolitanism: from the Island to the World, University of Madeira (25-26 October 2018)
"Dissertation Writing: Exploring Doctoral Researchers' Directed Motivational Currents," SIG Writing Conference, University of Antwerp (29-31 August), presented by Kirk Sullivan
"Changing Climates, Moving Minds: Climate, Geography and Health in Immigrant Fiction of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries," Conference of the European Society for Medicine and Health Care, University of Lisbon, Portugal (22-25 August 2018)
"The Afterlives of Medieval Mystics in 19th Century Medicine and Culture," Medicine and Religion Conference, St. Louis, Missouri (13-15 April 2018)
"North to Nowhere: Movement and Inner Geography Among Norweigan Immigrants from the Artic to America in the 19th Century," Arcum Network Matchmaking Event, Umeå University (15 February 2018)
"Diagnosis Mystic," Academia Lundensis Medii Aevi Seminar, Lund University (30 November 2017)
"Reading and Health," Opening Lecture for Umeå University's Annual Celebration (20 October 2017)
"In Bed with God," Skytteanska Prize Lecture at the Faculty of Humanities, Umeå University (21 October 2017)
"Medicine and Mysticism," Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (15 September 2017)
"How to Build a Research Career in Social Sciences and Humanities as a Young Researcher in Sweden," Talk to Junior Faculty, Umeå University (18 March 2017)
“Medicine, Mary and Miracles in Medieval England,” Maynooth University, Ireland (30 March - 1 April 2017)
“Mad Pilgrims: Migration and Mental Illness in Premodern Literature and Culture,” Sewanee Medieval Colloquium (10-11 March 2017)
“Medicine and the Seven Deadly Sins in Late Medieval Literature and Culture,” Gothenburg University Literature Seminar (7 December 2016)
“Labour and Lovesickness in Medieval Mysticism,” Stockholm University Medieval Studies Seminar (28 November 2016)
"Gender, Medicine and Religion in the Middle Ages," Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University (10 November 2016)
"What is Good and Bad Academic Writing: a Perception Study of L2 English Students at a Swedish University," SIG Writing Conference and Research School, Liverpool Hope University (2-6 July 2016)
"Somatizing Sloth: Premodern Bodies, Real and Imagined in Medicine and Culture," Renaissance Cultures of the Body Symposium, Kungliga Vitterhetsakadamien, Stockholm (10 June 2016)
“Labour and Lovesickness in Medieval Mysticism,” Stockholm University Medieval Studies Seminar (28 November 2016)
"Gender, Medicine and Religion in the Middle Ages," Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University (10 November 2016)
"What is Good and Bad Academic Writing: a Perception Study of L2 English Students at a Swedish University," SIG Writing Conference and Research School, Liverpool Hope University (2-6 July 2016)
"Somatizing Sloth: Premodern Bodies, Real and Imagined in Medicine and Culture," Renaissance Cultures of the Body Symposium, Kungliga Vitterhetsakadamien, Stockholm (10 June 2016)
"Physiology, Pleasure and Reading," Reading Pleasure – Pleasure Reading: Medieval Approaches to Reading, Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul (23-28 May 2016)
"Motives of Melancholy: Medieval and Modern Perspectives on Gender, Mental Illness and Articulation," Department of Literature, Uppsala University (7 April 2016)
"Narratives of Care in the Middle Ages: Sacred and Secular Medicine in Medieval Exempla," 5th Annual Conference on Medicine and Religion, Houston, Texas (4-6 March 2016)
"Genre as Exemplum, Exemplarity and Method" Uppsala University (9 December 2015)
"Medieval Exempla: New Corn from Old Fields?" Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study Fellow, Uppsala University (26 November 2015)
"Premodern Bodies, Real and Imagined in Medicine and Culture," Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University (15 October 2015)
"Medicine and the Seven Deadly Sins in Late Medieval Literature and Culture," Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala University (17 March 2015)
"Medicina Iesus: the Function of Medicine in a Late Medieval Sermon Cycle," The 49th International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo (8 May 2014)
"Narrating the Ten Commandments and Seven Sins in Middle English and Old Swedish," The Ten Commandments in Medieval and Early Modern Culture, Ghent (10 April 2014)
"'The Wounded Surgeon:' Devotion, Compassion and Surgery in Medieval England," Umeå University, Literature Seminar (12 November 2013)
"The Devil Breaks Wind: Humor, Body and Religion in the Middle Ages," Humanities Festival, Umeå University Design School (19 October 2013)
"Academic Writing in English Workshop," Faculty of Arts Doctoral College, Umeå University (19 October 2013)
"Metaphor as Medicine in Middle English Surgical Texts," Stockholm Metaphor Festival, Stockholm University (30 August 2013)
"Writing an Academic Abstract," PhD Lunch Meeting, Umeå University (18 April 2013)
"The Nature of Medieval Greed," Inter-Disciplinary Network: Sins, Vices and Virtues, Lisbon (13 March 2013)
"Gender and the Seven Deadly Sins in the Middle Ages," Umeå Center for Gender Studies Symposium on Gender in the Premodern World (14 February 2013)
"Chaucer’s Knight’s Tale, Age and Discretion," Umeå University, Literature Seminar (27 November 2012)
"Saints and Superwomen: Medieval and Modern" (with Berit Ȧström), Languages Department Research Days, Umeå University (29 November 2012)
"'As a Kinde Modur Shulde:' Mary and Natural Maternity in the Middle Ages," Words and Matter: the Virgin Mary in Medieval Parish Life, Umeå University (8-10 November 2012)
"The Pathology of Envy in Medieval Culture," Literature Seminar, Umeå University, (16 October 2012)
"Pathologizing Envy in Langland and Gower," The New Chaucer Society, Portland, Oregon USA (23 July 2012)
"Medicine and Sin in Gower," "Literature, Science and Medicine in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods," Swiss Association of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, University of Lausanne (28 June 2012)
"Gendering Medieval Melancholia: Premodern and Contemporary Theoretical Approaches," "Gender Theories in Premodern Studies," Umeå University (8 May 2012)
"Putting the Sex Back in Sloth?" Literature Seminar, Umeå University (17 April 2012)
"Notes on Medieval Medicine and Literature," Medieval Research Seminar, Umeå University (24 January 2012)
"Signifying Sin: Language, Evil and Embodiment in the Middle Ages," Languages Department Research Workshop, Umeå University (1 December 2011)
"Pathologizing Vice in the Later Middle Ages," Umeå Group for Premodern Studies Seminar, Umeå University (24 November 2011)
"Medieval Wrath: Sin, Passion and Pathology," "Emotions East and West: the Cultural History of Emotions East and West in Premodernity," Istanbul (1 October 2011)
"Experience, Physik and Self-Preservation in the Canterbury Tales," The New Chaucer Society, Siena (15 July 2010)
"Inquisition, Witness and Proof in Medieval Medicine," "Imagining Inquisition," Queen Mary, London (5 June 2010)
"Medieval Genealogies and the Genome," Exhibition Talk for Assembling Bodies, Department of the History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge (11 November)
"Penetrating Opaque Flesh: Diagnosis, Treatment and the Sword of Discretion in the Penitential Tradition," "Medieval Skin," Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany (17 July 2009)
"The Doctor as Priest/Confessor," The 44th International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo (8 May 2009)
"Lyric as Diversion: Reading Secular Poetry in Two Late Medieval Student Notebooks," Oxford Medieval Graduate Conference (4 April 2009)
"Discerning Medieval Smell," 15th Annual ACMRS Conference, "The Five Senses in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance," Tempe (13 February 2009)
"Smell and Discretion," Medieval Reading Group Workshops, English Faculty, Cambridge (17 November 2009)
"Wholesome Tongues: Speech, Health and Authority in Late Medieval Medical Prologues," London Medieval Society, London (19 April 2008)
"Word, Light and Aesthetic Experience in Late Medieval Sermon Literature," Oxford Medieval Graduate Conference, Oxford (11 April 2008)
"Tavern Confessions: Rhetorical Drunkenness and Drunken Rhetoric," Medieval Reading Group Workshop, English Faculty, Cambridge (30 January 2008)
"Speech, Division and Sacrament in Late Medieval Exempla," Marginalia "Confessions" Symposium, Cambridge (9 June 2007)
"Premodern Bodies, Real and Imagined in Medicine and Culture," Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University (15 October 2015)
"Medicine and the Seven Deadly Sins in Late Medieval Literature and Culture," Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala University (17 March 2015)
"Medicina Iesus: the Function of Medicine in a Late Medieval Sermon Cycle," The 49th International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo (8 May 2014)
"Narrating the Ten Commandments and Seven Sins in Middle English and Old Swedish," The Ten Commandments in Medieval and Early Modern Culture, Ghent (10 April 2014)
"'The Wounded Surgeon:' Devotion, Compassion and Surgery in Medieval England," Umeå University, Literature Seminar (12 November 2013)
"The Devil Breaks Wind: Humor, Body and Religion in the Middle Ages," Humanities Festival, Umeå University Design School (19 October 2013)
"Academic Writing in English Workshop," Faculty of Arts Doctoral College, Umeå University (19 October 2013)
"Metaphor as Medicine in Middle English Surgical Texts," Stockholm Metaphor Festival, Stockholm University (30 August 2013)
"Writing an Academic Abstract," PhD Lunch Meeting, Umeå University (18 April 2013)
"The Nature of Medieval Greed," Inter-Disciplinary Network: Sins, Vices and Virtues, Lisbon (13 March 2013)
"Gender and the Seven Deadly Sins in the Middle Ages," Umeå Center for Gender Studies Symposium on Gender in the Premodern World (14 February 2013)
"Chaucer’s Knight’s Tale, Age and Discretion," Umeå University, Literature Seminar (27 November 2012)
"Saints and Superwomen: Medieval and Modern" (with Berit Ȧström), Languages Department Research Days, Umeå University (29 November 2012)
"'As a Kinde Modur Shulde:' Mary and Natural Maternity in the Middle Ages," Words and Matter: the Virgin Mary in Medieval Parish Life, Umeå University (8-10 November 2012)
"The Pathology of Envy in Medieval Culture," Literature Seminar, Umeå University, (16 October 2012)
"Pathologizing Envy in Langland and Gower," The New Chaucer Society, Portland, Oregon USA (23 July 2012)
"Medicine and Sin in Gower," "Literature, Science and Medicine in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods," Swiss Association of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, University of Lausanne (28 June 2012)
"Gendering Medieval Melancholia: Premodern and Contemporary Theoretical Approaches," "Gender Theories in Premodern Studies," Umeå University (8 May 2012)
"Putting the Sex Back in Sloth?" Literature Seminar, Umeå University (17 April 2012)
"Notes on Medieval Medicine and Literature," Medieval Research Seminar, Umeå University (24 January 2012)
"Signifying Sin: Language, Evil and Embodiment in the Middle Ages," Languages Department Research Workshop, Umeå University (1 December 2011)
"Pathologizing Vice in the Later Middle Ages," Umeå Group for Premodern Studies Seminar, Umeå University (24 November 2011)
"Medieval Wrath: Sin, Passion and Pathology," "Emotions East and West: the Cultural History of Emotions East and West in Premodernity," Istanbul (1 October 2011)
"Experience, Physik and Self-Preservation in the Canterbury Tales," The New Chaucer Society, Siena (15 July 2010)
"Inquisition, Witness and Proof in Medieval Medicine," "Imagining Inquisition," Queen Mary, London (5 June 2010)
"Medieval Genealogies and the Genome," Exhibition Talk for Assembling Bodies, Department of the History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge (11 November)
"Penetrating Opaque Flesh: Diagnosis, Treatment and the Sword of Discretion in the Penitential Tradition," "Medieval Skin," Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany (17 July 2009)
"The Doctor as Priest/Confessor," The 44th International Congress of Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo (8 May 2009)
"Lyric as Diversion: Reading Secular Poetry in Two Late Medieval Student Notebooks," Oxford Medieval Graduate Conference (4 April 2009)
"Discerning Medieval Smell," 15th Annual ACMRS Conference, "The Five Senses in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance," Tempe (13 February 2009)
"Smell and Discretion," Medieval Reading Group Workshops, English Faculty, Cambridge (17 November 2009)
"Wholesome Tongues: Speech, Health and Authority in Late Medieval Medical Prologues," London Medieval Society, London (19 April 2008)
"Word, Light and Aesthetic Experience in Late Medieval Sermon Literature," Oxford Medieval Graduate Conference, Oxford (11 April 2008)
"Tavern Confessions: Rhetorical Drunkenness and Drunken Rhetoric," Medieval Reading Group Workshop, English Faculty, Cambridge (30 January 2008)
"Speech, Division and Sacrament in Late Medieval Exempla," Marginalia "Confessions" Symposium, Cambridge (9 June 2007)